Electronics Organ - Solder (with PCB)

Electronics Organ - Solder (with PCB)
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    S$ 9.00




This is an ingenious little device that is an ideal introduction to electronics. It is fun to build and more fun to play with!

You touch the end of probe or wire (P) on one of the pins (A – M) and a fixed frequency tone will greet you. This simple device can generate up to thirteen tones.

Imagine yourself using it to entertain your friends with familiar nursery rhymes tunes such as “Mary had a little lamb” and “Twinkle, twinkle little star”.  Isn’t it great?

This kit include all the components as below :


Resistors :


R1     5K6 ohms             

R2     5K6 ohms                

R3     4K7 ohms               

R4     3K9 ohms                

R5     3K9 ohms                                      

R6     3K3 ohms                                

R7      2K7 ohms                                            

R8       3K0 ohms                               

R9     2K2 ohms

R10   2K0 ohms

R11   1K8 ohms

R12   1K5 ohms

R13   4K7 ohms

R14     10K ohms

R15      4K7 ohms


Capacitors :

C1     0.047uF

C2     33uF 10 V



Semiconductor Devices :


IC1    555 Timer Integrated Circuit



Miscellaneous :


          8 ohm loudspeaker = 1

          9V battery snap = 1

          9V battery = 1



IC sockets (for printed circuit board)

Dual-In-Line       8 pins     Qty =  1

Square Pin Headers 40 way (6 x 3mm) (for printed circuit board) Qty = 1

Donut PCB 145 x 65cm = 1

And lastly is the

Circuit Diagram


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